London, Oh what fun!
I think I may have fallen in love with London! Some of you might be wondering why I'm writing about London when my mission trip is in Ireland! Well I have officially been in Ireland for 3 months, and because of that I had to step out of the country for a little bit. So instead of going all the way back home I just hopped over to visit my cousin who is living in London, England for a week!
Having family that lives in London and knows their way around is for sure a huge help to me loving it there. There is so much to see. I love the old buildings, random and not so random statues, gardens, and the cars. Taking a break from what I was doing in Ireland and getting to hang out with family in this beautiful place was such a blessing.
The fun part has truly been getting to know my cousins new little family better. Her husband has been shocked that I came all this way to help a church and not get "paid" for all that I'm doing. His parents are also in London visiting and say that I will surely be blessed for all my good work. They don't speak much English but that didn't stop us from enjoying our time together. Eastern Indian culture is different but I have enjoyed getting to know more about it.
One thing I was not expecting on this trip was all the different cultures that I have gotten to experience. There of course are the Irish and English. I have also gotten to know Nigerian, East Indian, Polish, and a few others. It has been fun trying the different food, learning the different reasons why they do the things they do, and just getting to know the people as well.
I will never forget the week in London that I had, and all that it has opened up for me. I hope to come back some day. London has captured my heart. I'll try not to overload you with pictures from this week below but no promises ;)