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Being faithful in my "Yes"

Being faithful in my Yes to God and what He has asked of me this month has been hard. Yep you read that right it has been hard! Jesus told His disciples that their lives were going to have challenges. And this month I have felt this, but I have also felt God's faithfulness in those challenging moments. To be honest if not having challenges meant that I wouldn't know the faithfulness of God, well I simply just wouldn't want that kind of life.

I have found so much beauty in being faithful. Not because of me but because of Him. When we are faithful to our yeses to God it allows for Him to show up in some amazing ways that we couldn't even dream of. Life is hard, doing what is right has it's challenges, and giving up yourself for Him means daily letting go of what you want. When God showed me pictures of this new adventure, they were beautiful and very challenging.

These pictures were of things to come, which means things that will take me being faithful, consistent, and willing to let go of my ideas and take on His. His are the better ones after all. This month has challenged my "Yes". And to be real with you in the moment of some of those challenges I cried out and asked "Why God? Am I not doing what you asked? Why is it so hard?". In those sweet moments after crying out He answered, "I'm growing you. Yes my sweet daughter, just hold on. You are breaking through some tough ground."

So today I challenge to ask God your questions, stay faithful to the "Yes" that you gave Him, and hold onto the promises He gave you. I would love to hear your stories of how when you were faithful, God did a miracle!

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