Bringing things into the light
Over the past few weeks I have been a part of a few different conversations that have involved being vulnerable and very open on my end and on the other peoples end. In most of these conversations the phrase "bringing this into the light" has come up. I love when people are open and honest about what they have been through. And yes at times you may hear things that you really wish you hadn't, but even with that possibility I would rather people continue to stay open and honest.
Bringing things into the light, especially those things that really need to be, helps keep satans hands out and God's hands in. I know that most are scared to bring some topics of their life into the light because of the fear of rejection and judgement. But my question to them would be, would you rather satan have easy access to your life, or possibly lose someone who wasn't a true friend?
I have done a lot in my life. And when new people come into my life and they are afraid to tell me what's going on. I like to reassure them that no matter what they are afraid to tell me I promise it will not shock me and it will not cause me to run away. I'm there to listen, love, pray, and if asked, help. We all stumble and fall. None of us are perfect, and if you think someone is, I promise you they aren't. Jesus was the only perfect one, and He loved those who everyone else turned away from.
So my challenge to you is to no longer hide. Whatever you are struggling with be honest about it. Talk to a friend or family member about it. If you don't have someone who you think you can trust maybe go find a pastor to pray and talk with. And if you are still scared to do that talk to me! Just stop hiding your struggle in the dark! If you keep it there you are willing giving satan the power to come into your life. Bring it into the light where God can bring His power and love.