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How am I 30 already?!?!
I know I haven't written on here in a few months. A few things have happened as well! So let's do a quick catch-up, shall we. Christmas...

Thanksgiving on the Northwest coast!
When parts of your family live far away it is hard. But it also gives you an opportunity to TRAVEL!!! And I love to travel! So for...

Hospital, Coffee, and friends!
Recently we had a big scare. But first some back story! Awhile back my Grandma who has been living with my parents fell and broke her...

Greyhounds, Debs, and time to go.
As I sit here at the airport waiting to be able to board my plane I have been thinking about all the things I got to do the past couple...

Camp time is crazy time! Oh and I raced a pony!!!
I have always loved church camps, really I love camping of all sorts. Being a part of the behind the scenes stuff and even being a key...

Life goes on at home, but thankfully some of home came for a visit!!!
I knew that being away from home for 6 months would mean that I would miss out on stuff. This month one of my close friends got married!...

London, Oh what fun!
I think I may have fallen in love with London! Some of you might be wondering why I'm writing about London when my mission trip is in...
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