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Completion and uncertainty

How many of you have struggled with goals? I have struggled with finishing goals that I have set out for myself for a long time. I would see friends set goals and accomplish them. They made it look so easy. Even with them saying things like "well even when it gets boring you just have to do it". So they knew it was boring at times and kept going! When things get boring for me I tend to just drop it, pass it on to someone else, or cry about it.

That all being said I did set out goals for myself last year. One of them was to finish drawing and putting together coloring books, and journals. I am happy to say that I completed that goal. The reason I bring up this goal is because I at times did not want to draw. In those moments I had a choice. We all have the choice to complete something. We also have a choice of whether or not we will allow God to complete what He has started in us.

At the end of last year I came to the realization that my choosing to not finish things, or allow what God was doing to take place was what was really making my life have uncertainty. The confusion in my life was because of my doubt and lack of faith in that I could complete and so could God. The beginning of new adventures, challenges, and God filled moments were always so exciting. I was always so sure of what God could do, and what I could do in those moments. Why did I allow it to fade? And how does one keep the course no matter what comes? Faith and deciding to focus on the goal.

As someone who struggles with this I just want to encourage those who are like me that we can complete the goals we set. And yes there will be moments that you want to give up. In those moments I encourage you to instead of thinking of the boring to think of the awesomeness of seeing that goal accomplished! For those who have been staying faithful to their goals and allowing God to move freely in their life, Keep it up!

I have loved the feeling of completing my goals, and have since decided to make a few more. One of my friends who is good at finishing goals once told me to have a big goal but then set smaller goals that are easier to reach that will lead up to that big goal. Then focus on those small goals! I believe that you can accomplish what you set out to do. And I know that God wants to finish the good He has started in you. We just need to focus on Him and the joy that comes with completing!

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