Life goes on at home, but thankfully some of home came for a visit!!!
I knew that being away from home for 6 months would mean that I would miss out on stuff. This month one of my close friends got married! Thankfully we got to skype and I got to see her all beautifully made up and in her lovely wedding dress. My nephews are all getting bigger while I'm away! I miss seeing their handsome faces. So glad though that their moms send me pics and that I get to skype them as well!
With all that missing, I'm glad that my friend Kim got to come for a visit! It was nice to have a little bit of home come for a visit, even if it was a short one. Sometimes being so far away from home can get a little lonely feeling. The thought of everyone going and doing things without you can get to you sometimes. Which is why having Kim visit has been such a blessing.
Everyone here has been just as opening and loving towards Kim as they have been to me! She unknowingly picked a really good time to come too. Cause it is strawberry season!!! We did so much during her time here. I got to take her to a lot of my favorite places and even got to adventure into some new ones! Having friends who know you and are will to adventure with you makes adventuring so much more fun!