Camp time is crazy time! Oh and I raced a pony!!!
I have always loved church camps, really I love camping of all sorts. Being a part of the behind the scenes stuff and even being a key person for the drama room this year for Alive churches kids camp has been crazy town! I loved every minute of it!!! The week leading up to camp to the week after camp has for sure been my busiest time here in Ireland.
I got to put my craft skills to work by making a huge boulder. I got to be the leader for the drama room, which was really interesting considering that I lost my voice the first day! I had amazing people pray over me and thankfully when I needed my voice in my room I had it, then when I would get home it would be gone again. I even got the privilege of housing some amazing ladies who came up from Cork. At the end of every day of camp the Cork group and I (plus sometimes some of the youth here) would eat dinner, hang out, and sometimes walk around town. I miss those fun Cork people, but hopefully I will get to visit them soon.
Now that camp is over and my house is somewhat back in order and the church has been put back in place I have noticed the quiet a bit more. Thankfully though today I got to go spend Sunday with some of my Irish family. I loved going for a walk in the forest near their house and even "racing" their pony. Yes you read that right, I raced a pony. I had a huge head start and the pony still beat me but it was fun. This sweet family a long with others have been one of the biggest blessings to my life.
Here are just a few fun photos of my month.

This lovely took some of my speaking parts when my throat hurt real bad. Was so happy to do the drama room with her.

My Cork people walking back to my place for food!

Tearing a part the giant boulder. (Mainly cause there was no where to keep it)

Pretty walk through the forest. Love this walk!!

The pony I raced. Her name is Dora.