Just a wee trip
I got invited to take a trip to Cork! Two of the girls who came to help with camp are actually the daughters of one of the pastors in Cork. They invited me to come chill at their house for a weekend and since my time here is coming to an end I thought, why not! One more trip to see a different part of Ireland sounded fun.
My trip was only going to be for 2 days but ended up lasting a little longer. The family I stayed with was super sweet and the scenery was so beautiful. I found myself not wanting to leave. I loved seeing some of Ireland's city life, and how even though there are a few differences between Enniscorthy and Cork they do have a lot in common as well.
Seeing another church thriving and sharing God's love was also great to see and be a part of for at least a weekend. I kept being asked to stay and to come back by so many there at the church. If God asked me to, I so would! I'm glad that I got to take this last trip. It will make leaving harder though that's for sure.
Here are some fun pictures of my time in Cork.

Fun bowling place with the Cork youth group!

Sunday morning worship

The view from the kitchen window

Went for a walk and found fresh black berries along our walk

Our walk ended here!

Game night with the family!

Coffee after a day of window shopping.