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Greyhounds, Debs, and time to go.

As I sit here at the airport waiting to be able to board my plane I have been thinking about all the things I got to do the past couple of weeks. Two of the things that I got to be a part of are things that are huge in Enniscorthy. Even though I only got to be a part of them my last week in Enniscorthy I'm glad that I still got the chance to be a part of some fun Ireland things one last time.

Greyhound races are huge here in Enniscorthy and after being here 6 months I finally went to one! I only got to see the last 2 races of the night, but I did get to finally see a race! I also got to hang out with 2 of my youth girls. Oh and I got to see the races for free, partly cause of how late I was, but also the ticket guy asked if this was my first time and then waved me in!

Another thing that is a big deal here are the "Debs". Debs are basically Irish Proms. There are some differences but also similarities. so here the girl's school has a Debs and then the boys school has a separate Debs. Most who go to the Debs travel together in "buses", and all of them gather together for pictures. Family and friends you come with them to see them off before they get on the bus. But other then that it's pretty much the same as a prom. I'm glad that I got to see some of my youth all dressed up.

I'm glad that I got to do all that I've done the past 2 weeks. But it has been hard knowing that my time in Ireland has come to an end. Someone recently asked if there was anything that could keep me from leaving. To be honest no there isn't. I'm so ready to be home! I long to hug my family, see my friends, and drive my car!!! But there are tons of people that have become my family here. And I for sure will want to visit. Sadly I know that won't happen as soon as I would want.

The past 6 months have been hard, stretching, growing, exciting, beautiful, and full of love and joy. I'm so glad God choose me to be here for this time. I can't wait to hear about my Irish family's new adventures and hear about how God is moving in them and through them. Ireland I will always carry you in my heart and prayers!

Thank you to all of you who have supported me along the way during this adventure. Those of you who prayed, donated, and gave encouragement, I couldn't have done it without all that you did. All that I got to do for the Lord here was made possible by you!

I'm so happy to be going home. But also know how much I will miss it here and all those I have come to love. But for now I want to reflect on all the amazing moments and people. So here are some random photos from my time here!

Kids ministry was way fun with crazy kids!

Church fun with my church family!

My boys

few of my ladies

Love this kid so much!

My little Irish brother "Fer"

Irish BBQ fun with some amazing people from church!

Some of my girls on their way to to the Debs!

2 of my boys all dressed up ready to go to the Debs.

Youth group scavenger hunt fun!

Greyhound racing fun with these 2 lovely ladies.

My sister Ayo! Love this lady!!!

I loved having this girl play piano for me when I came to her families home for after church lunch! Best Sunday afternoons were spent in that house!

We "auditioned" for a part on Brooklyn. They filmed part of the movie here in Enniscorthy.

They redid some of the buildings fronts and blocked some roads that I would walk to get to the church.

Such a beautiful place. The inside is also super pretty

Just a little reenactment going on one day in town.

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