Hospital, Coffee, and friends!
Recently we had a big scare. But first some back story! Awhile back my Grandma who has been living with my parents fell and broke her hip. Because of this she needed to get a replacement hip. When they finally went in to give her one they found some unexpected green stuff. So instead of getting a new hip all they could do was clean up the area and get the bones ready to get a new hip. Then we had to wait to make sure that the green stuff was all gone and that there were no other infections. So since that day Grandma has been in the hospital waiting to have the replacement surgery. Out of nowhere her health started to rapidly decline.
Hearing a loved one say "If it's my time then I'm ready to go now" is not something you want to hear. However at the same time there's this weird peace that come with hearing that statement. Knowing that Grandma wasn't freaked out made me a little less freaked. During these moments of uncertainty of what would happen my family was surrounded with love.
I am truly thankful for the friends, boss/co-workers, and family that I have. From a boss and co-workers who told me to go be with my family even offered to drive me to the hospital, to friends who brought my family and I coffee and just sat with me. The day was hard and these blessings were much needed. I think the hardest part about the past few days has been the unknown.
Hearing that doing surgery has a 50% chance of making things better or 50% chance of speeding up what was already going on is hard. But doing nothing wasn't helping. I love my Grandma and in these moments of not knowing whether she will pull though or not has been tough. My prayer lately for my Grandma has been that God would either heal her or take her home where I know she will be made whole!
To some this may sound like a weird prayer. I believe that God can heal her. And I want that more then anything, but I also will not be selfish. Yes I would love to have my Grandma around for much longer, but not at the cost of her being in pain and suffering like she has been. I love my Grandma to much to have her stay in that kind of condition. If God chooses to take her home then I will not stand in the way of that. Yes I will still pray for her healing, but sometimes the way God chooses to heal is by taking the person home.
I don't know how much longer I have with my Grandma. But I know she is a fighter, and she will probably shock us all and bounce right back after this surgery. I also know that because of these past days God is with us and even in the hard moments He sends love to surround us.
*Update: Grandma made it through the surgery and is starting to heal and is doing well!

Mom and I on our way to see Grandma

I would stay with Grandma and one of my friends worked night shifts at the hospital so I would wake up and go chill with her on her lunch break!

These two beauties brought Coffee!