Thanksgiving on the Northwest coast!
When parts of your family live far away it is hard. But it also gives you an opportunity to TRAVEL!!! And I love to travel! So for Thanksgiving I went to see my brother and his little family, with a side visit to some cousins.
There are some real pretty part to Oregon and Washington. I love the mountains, trees, and waterfalls. And boy was I pleased with all I got to see! Not only did I get to see some amazing landscape but I also got to see my super cute nephew. I love this kid!
My brother and sister-in law had to work some during my visit which meant that I got to hang out with my nephew. He is such a boy. He loves being outside playing with leaves and bugs. He also loves music! I think some of my favorite moments were when he would curl up next to me on the sofa and fall asleep. Of course there were also the moments of him putting on my rain boots and trying to walk around in them.
I loved this trip so much. Only bad part was how quickly it ended! But at least I know that they will be coming soon to Abilene!

My little brother and his family!

He has a hold of my scarf so that I don't leave him!

Well we got one boot on.

Hipster baby!

Just a quick trip to the beach

It snowed on our way back from my cousins in Washington