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How am I 30 already?!?!

I know I haven't written on here in a few months. A few things have happened as well! So let's do a quick catch-up, shall we. Christmas was fun, my brother and his family came down to celebrate with us. Grandma seems to be on the mend. Friend got married. There was some Easter fun. I moved in with some friends. And I just got done celebrating turning 30!

It's crazy how quickly time goes by. One minute you are sitting at a desk in school thinking that the school day will never end and then poof you're 30 and you haven't been in school for a long time! I must say though that being 30 isn't as bad as some people make it sound. I had fun celebrating this mile marker. As 30 came near there were a few things that got me thinking about how amazing it is to be 30.

First one was a little sad. Not everyone makes it this far. I have been friends with a few people who never made it this far. Some died because of their own mistakes, some because of other's mistakes, and some because of no ones mistake. And because of this thought I know that I will not take turning 30 lightly. I will celebrate how far I make it for those that I have loved who never got to make it this far.

Second thought was... "Why do people think they have to set me up with someone now?" That's right I turned this amazing age and because I'm still single something is wrong and my friends must find me a man! I'm ok being single, in fact I'm more then ok being single! Being single lately has meant that I get to go and do and I don't really have to worry about somebody else or their schedule. I was able to go to Ireland and not have to worry if someone else made it through security. Buying food is a lot cheaper. And my spontaneity can truly be spontaneous! I have actually enjoyed this time, and I hate that others have believed a lie that we must have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife in order to be truly happy! If you can't find joy by yourself then you more then likely aren't going to find it with someone else in your life.

Ok third and final thought! 30 is going to be awesome so lets party! Because of this final thought I decided to have a 3 day weekend birthday extravaganza just to show others how awesome 30 is! On Friday I invited people to join me at the Paramount Theater (this fun old theater that shows classics) and then afterwards we went to this cool coffee shop near by to have cupcakes and drinks! Then Saturday I had a brunch in my new backyard! It was way fun and super yummy! And for my friends with kids we did a picnic in the park on Sunday! Complete with a pinata! Cause who doesn't love a pinata!

For anyone who is coming up on turning 30 I would like for you to remember a few things.

1st Not everyone makes it this far be glad that you did!

2nd If you are still single who cares! Live your life find joy on your own. Maybe when you're not even looking for it that person will just be there. And if they never come who cares no one else can complete you, that's God's job anyways.

3rd Celebrate!!! Don't forget to have fun. Just because you're 30 doesn't mean that you should stop having fun. Tomorrow is not guaranteed so don't take it for granted.

Now for some catch-up photos!

Work party fun! I love working with these people.

This cutie came just in time to help decorate a little.

My parents came to my churches candle light Christmas eve service cause they didn't have to work at theirs!

Christmas eve tradition: Birth of Jesus and our special Christmas drink!

Reading time with Grandma is the best!

So we have this new buffalo in town and my brother just had to get a picture with it.

Happy 2015!

We got snow! I love snow!!!

My friend Tiffany got married! So happy for her!

Friend went with me to the wedding since it was in Dallas we had a little fun before hand and well really the whole time.

My dad made me this vanity for my new place since we couldn't find one that would fit in my room!

Celebrating my birthday early at work! Boss man thought it would be funny to get me a Jewish coming of age cake.

Birthday fun started off right with some girl time!

Then the day ended well with a delicious meal!

Birthday weekend started with one of my fave Audrey Hepburn movies and some fun ladies!

Birthday Brunch Time!!!

My monkeys loved my birthday pinata!

My sweet birthday present from my parents! I have been wanting one of these for a long time!

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