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New York? Why not!

So last week I went on a last minute mission trip. Well last minute for me that is. I had a friend who ended up not being able to go on her mission trip to New York with a church here in town. We both know the mission pastor there so she asked if I could take her place. They said sure so off I went! Thankfully the tickets hadn't been purchased when we switched places.

Now New York city is nowhere near the top of my list of places I would like to do a mission trip to let alone visit. But when God moves you move with Him. There were definitely moments where I thought "and this is why I'm on this trip" and moments where I thought "why on earth am I here?". I believe that mission trips are not only filled with growing moments for those that you are ministering to but also for yourself.

On this trip I had a lot of moments where I learned. Like the first one is when you go to the east coast area of the states during a summer month and you have asthma, don't forget your inhaler! That one was made known as soon as I stepped out of the air port and into the thick thick air. Now most of my other learning was really about mission trips in themselves and I'm sure there are reasons that God has taught them to me.

On this trip we actually had quite a bit of free time. We were mainly there to help an after school program and had some training time before hand. My absolute favorite moments though were when we were with the kids. The staff that were there were pretty awesome as well. The ministry that we got to work with was amazing. And for pretty much that fact alone I am glad that I went. It made all the travel issues, breathing problems, and other "growing" situations worth it.

I have this feeling that sometime in the future God might ask me to lead mission trips. From all the wisdom that I have gained from past mission trips I know that I will need help, but I also know things that I would do and wouldn't do. And because of this I think it might just be fun to plan a trip out for others.

Who knows what the future may hold. For now here are some fun pictures of my trip. Oh and also if you think it might be fun to do a trip with me let me know!

Yeah our flight got cancelled and we had to find new ones!

Waiting to see if we can get on a flight.

We thought we might get on like 3 different flights and walked the whole airport! Our feet were tired!

We made it finally! It was like midnight when we arrived but hey we made it here finally!

Our views from the place we are staying at.

Subway fun! Off we go to our first training.

We went the wrong way so back to the subway to hopefully go the right way!

Training time!

Fun time with the kids!

Now time to tour the city a little and get some dinner!

After figuring out our limitations we decided to set out ahead of the group so that we could take our time getting to places.

After ministry time we went to see the city from a different point of view and the sky made it so much fun!

Time for some frozen hot chocolate!

Traveling is fun in the city if you have friends with you!

Some more training time

Some fun views and fun from our free time the rest of the trip

This was so yummy and the owner offered me a job!

Her first taxi ride!

The New York Library had the original Winnie the pooh and friends on display

Our last day with the kids was also when they celebrate the kids birthdays for the month! It was fun being a part of this!

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