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"I wish God told me to..."

The phrase "I wish God told me to quit my job" has been said a lot to me since February. Let me tell you something real quick I know part of these people don't like their jobs and that's why they say this. Some say it cause they think that it would be cool to "not have to work". Others say it cause they want to jump out there and do ministry full time.

To those who don't like their jobs.

First I would say to you pray about your job. Some of you might not be where God wants you. Others of you might be exactly where God wants you. If you are where God wants you ask Him what He is calling you to do there, and then do it. Your frustration may just be that you aren't fully following God's path. Another part is that satan just doesn't want you there so you need to ask friends to partner with you to help do spiritual warfare for your work place. For those who aren't suppose to stay, ask God where He wants you to go and then GO!

To those who think that it would be cool to "not have to work":

I work! Oh boy am I working! Yes I do not have an office. Yes I do not have a "set schedule" to answer too. But that just means that I have days where I am up at 5am and days where I'm up at 9am because I was up till after midnight the night before. I am up meeting with people when they can meet to talk about ministry stuff. I am up researching the does and don'ts of non-profits. I am working on this website trying to get it to a point where people can sign up for mission trips (when I start those). I am working on stuff for my pastor at the church plant that I am a part of. And then to help pay the bills I am doing side babysitting gigs. To be honest I wish that God didn't tell me to quit my jobs cause I loved them! So if you are thinking that I quit so that I could just chill, you are so wrong. There honestly hasn't been much chill time for me since I quit my jobs.

To those who want to jump into full time ministry:

Do it! Pray first about God's timing and where. But if you feel that pulling on your heart to go somewhere and spread the love of Jesus, Do IT! But can I also just say that you can do it at your work place too. Those people might just be the mission field that God is calling you too. If it's not then get out and go to the one He has for you. We are not promised tomorrow. I know for sure that I want to try my best to live every day the way He has designed it for me to live.

Me quitting was not done on a whim or the thought of laziness. I did not want to quit. I prayed and prayed and had confirmation after confirmation about what I was to do and when. To date quitting my last 2 jobs was the hardest choice I have had to make in a very long time. I do not regret my choices, but I also did not take them lightly. My life is God's and I will follow the path He sets before me. Will you?

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