Let the fun begin and please Lord let the internet connect!
Can I just say that I am so glad to finally have internet in my new place! I have now been here a few days and I must say that it is very nice here. The people have been friendly, the scenery is lovely, and the food is delicious!!!
I'm going to keep this post a little short. I'm still learning how a few things work here but for the most part things have been going well. There was a bit of a hiccup with the internet but thankfully that has now been figured out! I have a new little Irish phone so that it will be easier for the people here to connect with me. Shopping might become a bit of a struggle since their cards are a little different here, but thankfully there are stores near my place so walking home with groceries wont be awful.
I had a neighbor drop by and bring me some sweets. I was busy trying to help figure out my internet problem so one of the sweet girls here went to answer my door. Everyone was shocked because people don't usually do that here. They all have actually been surprised by how kind people have been, they think it's because people can tell I'm American. Anyways below are a few photos from my time here so far.