Special guest at the St. Patrick's Day parade!
Today is St. Patrick's day and boy was today filled with lots of green, orange, and surprises. First let me just say that the people in Enniscorthy sure do have fun on this special day. Today not only marks the day that most wear green here but it is also the day that they start selling ice cream in the shops and a day to see probably all of those who live in Enniscorthy.
And today everyone near the parade judges' stand found out that this American was among them. They had 2 extra seats in the judges area that they wanted to give to 2 lucky people who came out to see the parade. Everyone around me kept yelling "She's American!!!". Apparently being American here in Enniscorthy is like being a celebrity. So I was chosen and thankfully got to bring a friend with me!
Today has been filled with fun, ice cream, and amazing people. I still can't believe that I was chosen to sit in the judge area and I also find it funny how shocked people where that there was American near them. I feel like this fact may become funnier as time goes on here in this sweet town. Seeing how the Irish do St. Patty's day has made me love this holiday even more!
Below are just a few pictures of the fun from today!