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God's timing vs. my rushing

The past few weeks have been full of questions, answers, more questions, seeking wisdom, prayer, and more prayer! Since starting on this new adventure of starting the ministry "The A.M." there has been a lot of unknown. In my excitement of getting this ministry started I have missed something important!

It's not to be done in my timing!

Yep I have tried to microwave this ministry. God sent me lovely reminders that His timing is perfect. I just need to remember that I am to take a step when He calls me to. My excitement is not a bad thing. But trying to do things on my own and not allowing the will of God to move me is not ok.

So I have taken a bit of a step back. I have taken time to really ask the Lord what I am to do with the ministry right now. The answer was so simply and makes so much sense. I am to just do the ministry here in my city for around a year. Allow God to bring the people. I am to create a solid foundation for the ministry. From there the rest of the building stones for the ministry will come.

My encouragement for you today is to take a breath! Spending time with God in the waiting time, cause it can be so sweet. Allow Him to move you in His timing. When you do, things just naturally feel better and go smoother.

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