Finding peace in the crazy!
So Thanksgiving is over. Family has left. This means that we have now made it through one crazy holiday to just jump right into what some would say is the craziest! CHRISTMAS TIME IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!! This means that all the Christmas things will now begin.
There's the Christmas parade, all the parties, gift buying should for sure have started, and planing for all the things!
I love Thanksgiving and Christmas time. But lets be honest, WE GO NUTS! We stress out and usually eat way to much.
I was actually very pleasantly surprised by how peaceful I have felt the past few days. With family and friends coming in there has been a lot going on at my house. Plus there is all the Christmas things that need to be done for the church I'm a part of. Usually all of this would have me way stressed out.
Every morning however I have gotten up a little early, spent a few minutes reading my devotional for the day, and would just breath and enjoy my moment of peace with God. This peace would then follow me through out my day. Even today the day of the Christmas parade! Troubles came and were quickly solved. I wasn't stressed by any of the curve balls that were thrown. I know where my peace comes from.
When I choose to seek after this peace, it easily follows me through out my day. What are some moments where you felt peace in the crazy?