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Thanksgiving on the Northwest coast!
When parts of your family live far away it is hard. But it also gives you an opportunity to TRAVEL!!! And I love to travel! So for...

Hospital, Coffee, and friends!
Recently we had a big scare. But first some back story! Awhile back my Grandma who has been living with my parents fell and broke her...

Being home again Tip #1!
If I was ever asked what one tip I would give a mission minded person I so know what it would be! DO NOT GO RIGHT BACK TO WORK AFTER A...

Greyhounds, Debs, and time to go.
As I sit here at the airport waiting to be able to board my plane I have been thinking about all the things I got to do the past couple...

Just a wee trip
I got invited to take a trip to Cork! Two of the girls who came to help with camp are actually the daughters of one of the pastors in...

Camp time is crazy time! Oh and I raced a pony!!!
I have always loved church camps, really I love camping of all sorts. Being a part of the behind the scenes stuff and even being a key...

Life goes on at home, but thankfully some of home came for a visit!!!
I knew that being away from home for 6 months would mean that I would miss out on stuff. This month one of my close friends got married!...

London, Oh what fun!
I think I may have fallen in love with London! Some of you might be wondering why I'm writing about London when my mission trip is in...

I'm 29!!! Let's have a fat night?
So birthdays aren't to different here. However when girls have slumber parties they call them fat nights! So since I just had a birthday...

Special guest at the St. Patrick's Day parade!
Today is St. Patrick's day and boy was today filled with lots of green, orange, and surprises. First let me just say that the people in...
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